Thursday, February 24, 2011

Angel Flight - Bringing A Hero Home

This brings tears to my eyes.  Being married to a career mility man now retired this video brings me to tears.  Because it is too  real for me.  My guy could have come home on an Angel Flight.  Thankfully and by the grace of God he didn't.  But too many have and my heart breaks for their families.

The men and women of our armed forces are true heroes...and so are their families that are left at home.  When a soldier goes to war the family goes to war.


If you see a soldier at the airport, grocery store, around town, stop and say thank you.  It's because of them that we live in the land of the free...


Resting in the SON,

Monday, February 21, 2011


The Lord blessed me with two sons. I have really enjoyed being a mom to boys. They are rough and tumble, loud, sports minded. FUN!

He also blessed me with a very understanding, supportive husband. I've been in California for almost two years now. I've been BLESSED to be a part of Little Miss' life these past almost two years. Little Miss is our first grandchild. I arrived in California when she was 4 days old. In a few weeks, she'll be two.

I am BLESSED to get to spend every Monday with her. We do all sorts of fun things. Story time at the library, nature walks, and visiting all the parks in our area.

I am BLESSED to have this time with her. She has traveled back to the farm with me several times to visit Papa. Soon, life will be different for me and time spent with her will be limited to a few days every couple of months.

Nothing puts a smile on my face and in my heart faster than Little Miss.

This is my biggest BLESSING. He has grown into an amazing human being, an amazing husband, and an awesome daddy.

I am BLESSED to have a beautiful daughter~in~love who loves my boy. Who embraces my relationship with my son, and who shares her precious little girl with me.

I am BLESSED to watch their mother/daughter relationship evolve and grow.
I love these kids and when the time comes for me to head home to the farm, I will miss them so much my heart will hurt and feel like it will explode in my chest.
I am BLESSED. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to watch their little one's first two years of life first hand. I am BLESSED with a husband who understands this deployment I have been on.
And I am BLESSED with a heavenly Father that loves me and made the way for this to happen.
Resting in the SON,